Be You
Christmas 2019 really shook me up. Bianca de Giorgis appeared on my television talk show, Future Prospects, and left me with an announcement that was a challenge to share with my viewers.
What I’m trying to say, it presented signs that something was going to challenge my integrity in 2020.
No kidding…
Holy cow, who would have ever thought in a million years – a Pandemic! March, 2020, I was supposed to meet my new assistant in Orangeville, and then two days prior to our meeting lunch… quarantine.. masks 😷.. social distancing .. toilet paper ?? What was happening! We have watched this kind of story in movies, and now the stories from Hollywood have arrived in real life in Canada 🇨🇦 Not taking it to the extreme, when I say Hollywood, for example Brad Pitt “ World War Z”… Could you imagine… NO! Covid19 arrived and challenged the whole world in more ways than I can ever explain. It was, and still is, so much bigger than we can fathom or convey.
The Western side of our world awakened to a reality check. Attacking our resiliency, courage, fear of the unknown and removing a veil we all honestly live behind … SELF REFLECTION time folks, if you like it or not!
Like song writer Eddie Holland states – “No where to run, no where to hide,” beautifully recorded by Martha and the Vandellas.
Speaking for myself, I have been challenged throughout my life in many ways. During these times I thought, “How in Gods name do I get up and continue to walk?”
Trust me, if I were to recall every personal experience, you would need the largest Starbucks beverage to get you through the entire story.
The pandemic, 2020 – Looking at the entire year has brought me closer to my Lord. It has revealed to me His true love for my life through a tragedy that plagued the world.
Living with a low immune system was trying on its own, and running a business with no money, and filming Future Prospects digitally were all learning curves. Ones I had to learn on my own with a positive mindset.
Technology was always a challenge for me because, frankly, I am too lazy to learn! But when you’re committed to delivering stories of significance, I knew I had no choice. I rose to the occasion and produced incredible stories of youth, mentors, and life changers within our community and around the world. It opened an opportunity for me to attack a dream I’ve spoken about since I created the show 2013.

Self reflection in 2020
The pandemic has made me look at myself with a larger perspective of my life! God has opened my eyes and made me look at the Pacific Ocean to see all of its beauty that needs to be told.
This pandemic has challenged me in my handling of money, respecting how and when to spend.
This pandemic has made me grateful for how precious taking a breath is every single day.
2020 has revealed I need and will use my God given gifts 🎁 He has blessed me these every day.
This pandemic has made me be thankful for food, water and how precious FREEDOM is – being able to spread the word that all humanity has worth! No matter the colour of your skin, religion, gender… all LIVES need RESPECT if we’re all going to live together moving forward.
This year and the events have made me so thankful for my loving husband and incredible son. Treasuring each living moment we’re together. ❤️❤️
Most importantly this pandemic has taught me to surrender ALL to my Lord, do not look at others, but keep my eyes on Him.
Whatever you believe in that makes you happy, peaceful and being yourself reach out to it, without APOLOGY folks.
Embrace your beautiful gifts 🎁 and share it with the world. When we trust in God, it’s amazing what happens when people see that the “impossible” can be possible.
Now, it’s the closing chapter of 2020 to open a new year 2021.
My question to you all; What have you learned in your self reflection in 2020?

As I always say, and will always continue to:
Listen, Learn, and Apply!
Like the wonderful movie “Happy Feet”, never hide your originality, get out into the world 🌎 and share it ALL!
Joy ❤️